Can Training Management Software save me Money?

If you are serious about your business you need to invest in tools that will take you to that next level, which is exactly what Training Management Software does!
Contact Genius

Contact Genius

If you would like to discuss your requirements please give us a call, drop us an email or book a demo .

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Book a Demo

Booking a Genius demo is a great way to understand how our software actually works and how it will have a positive impact on your business. We use Zoom or Microsoft Teams as we walk you through Genius Training Management Software demonstrating the automation and time saving features that save our clients up to 65% on their course planning, scheduling and management.

We often use this technique to train our clients and their teams and find it the prefect way to demonstrate Genius without any pressure.
Our team is international so we can arrange a demo at any time to suite you regardless of your time zone.

Booking a Demo
Booking a demo is simple, just enter your details into the short form and we will contact you to discuss your requirements and arrange a suitable date and time for your demo.

Book a Demo

What our Clients Say..

Our clients love Genius so much that 90% of new clients are referred by existing clients.

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